As a student, you will go through many different types of teachers. Some teachers are AMAZING and help us learn in ways that encourage and excite us to get better, while others are simply not great at teaching.
Regardless of how great or terrible your teacher is, the one responsible for successful learning is YOU!
Some students go into rehearsal with the expectation that all they have to do to learn is simply show up. And that it is the teachers job to make sure they are learning and getting better.
But great learning takes effort from both teacher and student.
It is your job to learn, and you will have to throttle the amount of work you do based on the teacher’s ability to teach.
This SUCKS, and the world would be a better place if all teachers were phenomenal, but when they fall short, don't let that be an excuse for you to stop learning.
If you have a great teacher, they will make learning fun, and fluid for you to learn, but with a bad teacher, you will have to do more research and discover more things on your own.
NOTE: If you have a bad teacher make sure you are communicating with them. Sometimes a bad teacher can turn into a good one by talking with them, letting them know you're having a hard time learning from them, and determining a better relationship together.