The hardest part of achieving any goal is to make a decision. You have to make a decision about what you want. Be very clear in what that is and once that is done, it all comes down to staying focused on that path. 

Many of us have dreams of marching World Class ensembles, but we don't stay focused enough to make that happen. You might practice for a month, then move your energy into something else once the initial inspiration is lost. 

You have to make a goal and put your mind to it. Just as we practice on our hands, we have to practice our mental focus as well. It might take you a few years to finally achieve a goal. That's right...


We live with such an ephemeral mindset that it is hard to think something will take over a year to do. But in this activity, you can't get bored or discouraged when you stop progressing. You have to constantly beat on your craft and make things happen regardless of adversity. You might have heard someone say "You can do anything if you put your mind to it", and guess what, they're right.


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