You have goals, but are you REALLY working towards them, or are you just going through the motions? One of the biggest regrets you can have at the end of any season is feeling like you could have tried harder when you had the chance. ⠀
Self awareness is one of the most important attributes you can have and staying true to yourself is key to moving forward. If you want to march Drum Corps, but aren't practicing every day, you're not gonna make it. If you want to join a college percussion studio, but you aren't practicing marimba and timpani, your chances won't be very good. ⠀
Sometimes we are fooling ourselves when we make up our goals. Not because they are out of reach, but because we are not honest with ourselves on how much we are working towards them. Just know that whatever your goals are, big or small, you have to stay true to yourself, stay persistent, and understand the work that must be put in to succeed. ⠀